Zend Framework 2 MVC Starter


This starter is the starting point of zend framework 2 MVC project. This application is meant to be used as a starting place for those looking to get their feet wet with ZF2.


  • This starter was built on the zend framework 2.x.
  • This starter uses mysql as database setting by default.
  • Include digest authentication by default.
  • Include font-awesome files.
  • Include Bootstrap 3 without bootstrap-loader.
  • Include html5shiiv.js to support older IE browser.

Structure of starter

+---config                            // Database, authorizaion, authentication setting
+---module                            // Customized application sources
|   +---Application                   // Global module used by whole application
|   |   +---config
|   |   |   \---module.config.php     // Register all modules 
|   |   +---language
|   |   +---src
|   |   |   \---Application
|   |   |       +---Controller
|   |   |       \---Factory
|   |   |           \---AuthenticationAdapterFactory.php
|   |   \---view                      // Contains common master, basic layout files 
|   |       +---application
|   |       |   \---index
|   |       +---error
|   |       +---layout
|   |       \---partial
|   +---BookList                      // Customized module for business purpose
|   |   +---config
|   |   +---src
|   |   |   \---BookList
|   |   |       +---Controller
|   |   |       +---Form
|   |   |       \---Model
|   |   \---view
|   |       \---book-list
|   |           \---book
|   \---Test
|       \---config
+---public                          // Contains all fonts, css, images, and js files
|   +---css
|   +---fonts
|   +---img
|   \---js
\---vendor                          // Contains Zend Framework 2 source code

Screenshot of home page


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