Use Case


graph LR Sender_Email("") Email_Failed Email_Delivered SNS_Subscriptions --> Email_Failed SNS_Subscriptions --> Email_Delivered Bounce_Notification --> Email_Failed Complaint_Notification --> Email_Failed Delivery_Notification --> Email_Delivered subgraph SQS subgraph Email_Status_Queue SNS_Subscriptions end end subgraph SNS subgraph Topics Email_Failed Email_Delivered end end subgraph SES Sender_Email subgraph Notifications Bounce_Notification Complaint_Notification Delivery_Notification end end

SNS Setup

  • Create a topic for failed email, e.g. bounce or spam complaint

    • It is named Email_Failed in the diagram above
  • Create a topic for delivered email

    • It is named Email_Delivered in the diagram above

SES Setup

  • Create a new domain for sender email, e.g.

  • Setup the notifications

    • Bounce Notification maps to Email_Failed
    • Complaint Notification maps to Email_Failed
    • Delivery Notification maps to Email_Delivered
  • Verify the domain -

  • Verify the DKIM - *

SQS Setup

  • Create a new queue named Email_Status_Queue
  • Add SNS subscriptions Email_Failed and Email_Delivered to the queue


  • Sender code of sample
package email.sample;

// import ....

public class SesSample {

    static final String FROM = "";

    static final String TO = "";

    static final String CONFIGSET = "ConfigSet";

    // The subject line for the email.
    static final String SUBJECT = "SES test";

    // The email body for recipients with non-HTML email clients.
    static final String TEXTBODY = "This email was sent through Amazon SES "

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

        try {
            AmazonSimpleEmailService client = 
                // Replace the AWS Region
            SendEmailRequest request = new SendEmailRequest()
                    new Destination().withToAddresses(TO))
                .withMessage(new Message()
                    .withBody(new Body()
                        .withText(new Content()
                    .withSubject(new Content()
            System.out.println("Email sent!");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
            System.out.println("Error message: " + ex.getMessage());

  • Sample of SQS code
// .....
public class SqsConsumer {
      public void receive(Object message) throws Exception {

        if (message instanceof CamelMessage) {
            String body = ((CamelMessage) message).getBodyAs(String.class, camelContext());
            JsonNode envelope = Json.parse(body);
            if (envelope.has("Message")) {
                JsonNode notification = Json.parse(envelope.get("Message").asText());
                String notificationType = notification.get("notificationType").asText();

                log.debug("Processing email notification: " + notificationType);
                switch (notification.get("notificationType").asText()) {
                    case "Received":
                        received.tell(new EmailActorProtocol.EmailReceived(notification), self());
                    case "Bounce":
                        response.tell(new EmailActorProtocol.EmailBounced(notification), self());
                    case "Delivery":
                        response.tell(new EmailActorProtocol.EmailDelivered(notification), self());
                    case "Complaint":
                        response.tell(new EmailActorProtocol.EmailComplaintReceived(notification), self());
                        throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Notification type %s not supported", notificationType));

// EmailActorProtocol 
// public class EmailActorProtocol {
//     public interface EmailResponse {
//     }
//     @Data
//     static public class EmailReceived {
//         private final JsonNode body;
//     }
//     @Data
//     static public class EmailDelivered implements EmailResponse {
//         private final JsonNode body;
//     }
//     @Data
//     static public class EmailBounced implements EmailResponse {
//         private final JsonNode body;
//     }
//     @Data
//     static public class EmailComplaintReceived implements EmailResponse {
//         private final JsonNode body;
//     }
//     static public class GetHealth {
//     }
//     @Data
//     static public class Health {
//         private final boolean healthy;
//     }
// }