Scrum VS Kanban

Scrum VS Kanban

Kanban and scrum are frameworks that help teams adhere to agile principles and get stuff done. Both frameworks will help you build better products(and services) with fewer headaches. While the practices differ, the principles are largely the same.


Agile is a structured and iterative approach to project management and product development. t recognizes the volatility of product development, and provides a methodology for self-organizing teams to respond to change without going off the rails.


Scrum teams adopt specific roles, create special artifacts, and hold regular ceremonies to keep things moving forward. Their goal is to create learning loops to quickly gather and integrate customer feedback.


Kanban is all about visualizing your work, limiting work in progress, and maximizing efficiency(or flow). Kanban teams focus on reducing the time it takes to take a project(or user story) from start to finish. They do this by using a kanban board and continuously improving their flow of work.


Scrum Kanban
Cadence Regular fixed length sprints (ie, 2 weeks) Continuous flow
Release methodology At the end of each sprint Continuous delivery
Roles Product owner, scrum master, development team No required roles
Key metrics Velocity Lead time, cycle time, WIP
Change philosophy Teams should not make changes during the sprint. Change can happen at any time