Java Note - 5: Lambda
Lambda Best Practices
Use Interfaces
The most common misstep taken by an over-eager functional programmer is the use of functional interfaces in type signatures. In general, you should avoid using the functional interface types directly and instead provide single-method interfaces as arguments to your methods. These interfaces become a way to create self-documenting code and to provide meaningful type information, as well as leaving open the opportunity for your user to provide an actual Java type.
Use Method Reference
As much as possible, use a method reference instead of a lambda. Method references are not only shorter and easier to read, but using method references will get you thinking directly about the methods as values.
Define Lambdas Inline
When you do use lambdas, define them inline. Unless you are doing some kind of fancy manipulation of your lambda, there is no reason to be assigning them to a variable. The reason that you want to define your lambdas inline is that it will allow your code to be more flexible when types change: you are letting type inference do more heavy lifting for you, and adapting your code to changing contexts.
Lambdas Should Always Be Threadsafe
As we go through the rest of this book, we will see many places where lambdas make concurrent programming much easier. Many of the structures built off of lambdas will perform concurrent executions, sometimes without much warning. Because of this, your lambdas always need to be threadsafe. Pay particular attention to this with instance method handles, since thread-dangerous state can often be hiding within those instances.
Don’t Use Null
The null keyword should never be used in your code. Now that Java has the Optional type, there is simply no need for it. Whenever you have a method, you should be explicit about whether or not you accept null, and you generally shouldn’t accept it. This will save you from NullPointerException cropping up in obnoxious places, far from the site of the actual error. This is an especially painful problem when you start working with streams and lambdas, because the stack trace may not be very useful for you when you go to debug. The solution is to never accept null and to aggressively check for it, exploding loudly as soon as it occurs.
Don’t Release Zalgo
- Don’t mix asynchronous and synchronous execution in the same lamda expressoin.
Build Complexity from Simple Parts
Use Types and the Compiler to Your Advantage
Common functional Interfaces
Functional Interface | Parameter Types | Return | Abstract Description Method | Description | Other Methods |
Runnable | none | void | run | Runs an action | |
Supplier |
none | T | get | Supplies a value of type T | |
Consumer |
T | void | accept | Consumes a value of type T | chain |
BiConsumer |
T, U | void | accept | Consumes a value of type T and U | chain |
Function |
T | R | apply | A function with argument oftype T | compose, andThen,identity |
BiFunction |
T, U | R | apply | A function with argument of type T and U | andThen |
UnaryOperator |
T | T | apply | A unary operator on type T | compose, andThen, identity |
BiUnaryOperator |
T,T | T | apply | A binary operator on type T | andThen |
Predicate |
T | boolean | test | A Boolean-valued function | and, or, negate, isEqual |
BiPredicate |
T,T | boolean | test | A Boolean-valued function with tow arguments | and, or, negate |
Method Reference
Syntax | Description |
TypeName::staticMethod | A method reference to a static method of a class, an interface, or an enum |
objectRef::instanceMethod | A method reference to an instance method of the specified object |
ClassName::instanceMethod | A method reference to an instance method of an arbitrary object of the specified class |
TypeName.super::instanceMethod | A method reference to an instance method of the supertype of a particular object |
ClassName::new | A constructor reference to the constructor of the specified class |
ArrayTypeName::new | An array constructor reference to the constructor of the specified |
array type |
Lambda Demo
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
import java.util.function.BinaryOperator;
import java.util.function.IntFunction;
public class LambdaDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// FunctionalInterface
System.out.println("x + y:" + engine((x, y) -> x + y)); // 6
System.out.println("x * y:" + engine((x, y) -> x * y)); // 8
System.out.println("x / y:" + engine((x, y) -> x / y)); // 0
System.out.println("x % y:" + engine((x, y) -> x % y)); // 2
String[] strArray = new String[] { "abc", "klm", "xyz", "pqr" };
List list = Arrays.asList(strArray);
// Default Methods
// abc
// klm
// xyz
// pqr
Arrays.sort(strArray, (first, second) -> first.compareToIgnoreCase(second));
list = Arrays.asList(strArray);
System.out.println("After sorting ... ");
// After sorting ...
// abc
// klm
// pqr
// xyz
// Common Functional Interfaces
// Runnable
repeat(5, () -> System.out.println("Hello"));
UnaryOperator<String> upperCase = str -> str.toUpperCase();
BinaryOperator<String> concat = (left, right) -> left + right;
System.out.println(" UnaryOperator upperCase " + upperCase.apply("hello"));
System.out.println(" BinaryOperator<String> concat " + concat.apply("hello", "world"));
// Function
Function<Long, Long> square = x -> x * x;
Function<Long, Long> plusOne = x -> x + 1;
// Function with andThen,
Function<Long, Long> squarePlusOne = square.andThen(plusOne);
Function<Long, Long> plusOneSquare = square.compose(plusOne);
System.out.println(" 5 squarePlusOne is " + squarePlusOne.apply(5L)); // 26
System.out.println(" 5 plusOneSquare is " + plusOneSquare.apply(5L)); // 36
// Predicate
Predicate<Integer> divisibleByThree = x -> x % 3 == 0;
Predicate<Integer> divisibleByFive = x -> x % 5 == 0;
Predicate<Integer> isNegative = x -> x < 0;
// Predicate with AND , OR , NOT
Predicate<Integer> divisibleByThreeAndFive = divisibleByThree.and(divisibleByFive);
Predicate<Integer> divisibleByThreeOrFive = divisibleByThree.or(divisibleByFive);
Predicate<Integer> isPositive = isNegative.negate();
System.out.println(" 15 is divisibleByThreeAndFive " + divisibleByThreeAndFive.test(15));
System.out.println(" 7 is divisibleByThreeAndFive " + divisibleByThreeOrFive.test(7));
System.out.println(" -1 is isPositive " + isPositive.test(7));
// static method reference
Function<Integer, String> toBinary = x -> Integer.toBinaryString(x);
// Using a method reference
Function<Integer, String> toBinary2 = Integer::toBinaryString;
// static method lambda expression
BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Integer> sum = (a, b) -> Integer.sum(a, b);
System.out.println(sum.apply(3, 4));
// Instance method
Supplier<Person> personSup = () -> new Person();
Function<String, Person> personFunc = (x) -> new Person(x);
BiFunction<String, String, Person> personBiFunc = (x, y) -> new Person(x, y);
// Consumer<String> personCon = (Person p) -> p.setTitle;
// Person() constructor called
// name = Unknown, title = Unknown
System.out.println(personFunc.apply("John Doe"));
// Person( fullName ) constructor called
// name = John Doe, title = Unknown
System.out.println(personBiFunc.apply("John", "Doe"));
// Person(firstName, lastName ) constructor called
// name = John, title = Unknown
// Recursive Lambda Expressions
IntFunction<Long> factorialCalc = new IntFunction<Long>() {
public Long apply(int n) {
if (n < 0) {
String msg = "Number must not be negative.";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (n == 0) {
return 1L;
} else {
return n * this.apply(n - 1);
int n = 5;
long fact = factorialCalc.apply(n);
System.out.println("Factorial of " + n + " is " + fact);
// Factorial of 5 is 120
private static int engine(Calculator calculator) {
int x = 2, y = 4;
return calculator.calculate(x, y);
public static void repeat(int n, Runnable action) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++);
interface Calculator {
int calculate(int x, int y);
final class Person {
String firstName;
String lastName;
String fullName;
String title;
public Person() {
System.out.println(" Person() constructor called ");
public Person(String fullName) {
this.fullName = fullName;
System.out.println(" Person( fullName ) constructor called ");
public Person(String firstName, String lastName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
System.out.println(" Person(firstName, lastName ) constructor called ");
public void setTitle(String t) {
this.title = t;
System.out.println(" Person setTitle ( t ) called ");
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
public String getFullName() {
return fullName == null ?( firstName != null ? firstName : "Unknown" ): fullName;
public String toString() {
return "name = " + getFullName() + ", title = " + (title != null ? title : "Unknown");