Context managers
context manager
context manager an object designed to be used in a with-statement
with context-manager: body with context-manager: context-manager.begin() body context-manager.end() with context-manager: setup() body teardown() with context-manager: context-manager.begin() body context-manager.end() with context-manager: allocation() body deallocation() with context-manager: enter() body exit()
A context-manager ensures that resources are properly and automatically managed
- enter() prepares the manager for use
- exit() cleans it up
Context-manager Protocol
exc_type, ## exception type
exc_val, ## exception object
exc_tb) ## exception traceback
- called before entering with-statement body
- return value bound to as variable
- can return value of any type
- commonly returns context-manager itself
called when with-statement body exitsBy default
propagates exceptions thrown from the with-statement’s code block__exit__()
should never explicitly re-raise exceptions__exit__()
should only raise exceptions if it fails itself
: standard library module for working with context managerscontextmanager
is a decorator you can use to create new context managers@contextlib.contextmanager def my_context_manager(): ## <ENTER> try: yield [value] ## <NORMAL EXIT> except: ## <EXCEPTIONAL EXIT> raise with my_context_manager() as x: ## . . .
lets you define context-managers with simple control flow It allows you to leverage the statefulness of generatorscontextmanager
uses standard exception handling to propagate exceptionscontextmanager
explicitly re-raises – or doesn’t catch – to propagate exceptionscontextmanager
swallows exceptions by not re-raising themExceptions propagated from inner context managers will be seen by outer context managers
multiple context managers with-statements can use as many context-managers as you need
Never pass list
Example – The code below is the same
with cm1() as a, cm2() as b: BODY with cm1() as a: with cm2() as b: BODY
– simple sample
import contextlib class LoggingContextManager: def __enter__(self): print('LoggingContextManager.__enter__()') return "You're in a with-block!" def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if exc_type is None: print('LoggingContextManager.__exit__: ' 'normal exit detected') else: print('LoggingContextManager.__exit__: ' 'Exception detected! ' 'type={}, value={}, traceback={}'.format( exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)) @contextlib.contextmanager def logging_context_manager(): print('logging_context_manager: enter') try: yield "You're in a with-block!" print('logging_context_manager: normal exit') except Exception: print('logging_context_manager: exceptional exit', sys.exc_info()) raise if __name__ == "__main__": with LoggingContextManager() as log: pass with logging_context_manager() as clog: pass ## test result ## LoggingContextManager.__enter__() ## LoggingContextManager.__exit__: normal exit detected ## logging_context_manager: enter ## logging_context_manager: normal exit
- nested
@contextlib.contextmanager def nest_test(name): print('Entering', name) yield name print('Exiting', name) if __name__ == "__main__": with nest_test('outer') as n1, nest_test('inner nested in ' + n1): pass ## test result ## Entering outer ## Entering inner nested in outer ## Exiting inner nested in outer ## Exiting outer
- db & transaction
import contextlib class Connection: def __init__(self): self.xid = 0 def _start_transaction(self, read_only=True): print('starting transaction', self.xid) rslt = self.xid self.xid = self.xid + 1 return rslt def _commit_transaction(self, xid): print('committing transaction', xid) def _rollback_transaction(self, xid): print('rolling back transaction', xid) class Transaction: def __init__(self, conn, read_only=True): self.conn = conn self.xid = conn._start_transaction(read_only=read_only) def commit(self): self.conn._commit_transaction(self.xid) def rollback(self): self.conn._rollback_transaction(self.xid) @contextlib.contextmanager def start_transaction(connection): tx = Transaction(connection) try: yield tx except Exception: tx.rollback() raise tx.commit()
type of object is type
import inspect import reprlib import itertools ## from sorted_set import SortedSet from bisect import bisect_left from import Sequence, Set from itertools import chain class SortedSet(Sequence, Set): def __init__(self, items=None): self._items = sorted(set(items)) if items is not None else [] def __contains__(self, item): try: self.index(item) return True except ValueError: return False def __len__(self): return len(self._items) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._items) def __getitem__(self, index): result = self._items[index] return SortedSet(result) if isinstance(index, slice) else result def __repr__(self): return "SortedSet({})".format( repr(self._items) if self._items else '' ) def __eq__(self, rhs): if not isinstance(rhs, SortedSet): return NotImplemented return self._items == rhs._items def __ne__(self, rhs): if not isinstance(rhs, SortedSet): return NotImplemented return self._items != rhs._items def _is_unique_and_sorted(self): return all(self[i] < self[i + 1] for i in range(len(self) - 1)) def index(self, item): assert self._is_unique_and_sorted() index = bisect_left(self._items, item) if (index != len(self._items)) and (self._items[index] == item): return index raise ValueError("{} not found".format(repr(item))) def count(self, item): assert self._is_unique_and_sorted() return int(item in self) def __add__(self, rhs): return SortedSet(chain(self._items, rhs._items)) def __mul__(self, rhs): return self if rhs > 0 else SortedSet() def __rmul__(self, lhs): return self * lhs def issubset(self, iterable): return self <= SortedSet(iterable) def issuperset(self, iterable): return self >= SortedSet(iterable) def intersection(self, iterable): return self & SortedSet(iterable) def union(self, iterable): return self | SortedSet(iterable) def symmetric_difference(self, iterable): return self ^ SortedSet(iterable) def difference(self, iterable): return self - SortedSet(iterable) def full_sig(method): try: return method.__name__ + str(inspect.signature(method)) except ValueError: return method.__name__ + '(...)' def brief_doc(obj): doc = obj.__doc__ if doc is not None: lines = doc.splitlines() if len(lines) > 0: return lines[0] return '' def print_table(rows_of_columns, *headers): num_columns = len(rows_of_columns[0]) num_headers = len(headers) if len(headers) != num_columns: raise TypeError("Expected {} header arguments, " "got {}".format(num_columns, num_headers)) rows_of_columns_with_header = itertools.chain([headers], rows_of_columns) columns_of_rows = list(zip(*rows_of_columns_with_header)) column_widths = [max(map(len, column)) for column in columns_of_rows] column_specs = ('{{:{w}}}'.format(w=width) for width in column_widths) format_spec = ' '.join(column_specs) print(format_spec.format(*headers)) rules = ('-' * width for width in column_widths) print(format_spec.format(*rules)) for row in rows_of_columns: print(format_spec.format(*row)) def dump(obj): print("Type") print("====") print(type(obj)) print() print("Documentation") print("=============") print(inspect.getdoc(obj)) print() print("Attributes") print("==========") all_attr_names = SortedSet(dir(obj)) method_names = SortedSet( filter(lambda attr_name: callable(getattr(obj, attr_name)), all_attr_names)) assert method_names <= all_attr_names attr_names = all_attr_names - method_names attr_names_and_values = [(name, reprlib.repr(getattr(obj, name))) for name in attr_names] print_table(attr_names_and_values, "Name", "Value") print() print("Methods") print("=======") methods = (getattr(obj, method_name) for method_name in method_names) method_names_and_doc = [(full_sig(method), brief_doc(method)) for method in methods] print_table(method_names_and_doc, "Name", "Description") print() if __name__ == "__main__": dump('a') ## test result ## Type ## ==== ## <class 'str'> # ## Documentation ## ============= ## str(object='') -> str ## str(bytes_or_buffer[, encoding[, errors]]) -> str ## Create a new string object from the given object. If encoding or ## errors is specified, then the object must expose a data buffer ## that will be decoded using the given encoding and error handler. ## Otherwise, returns the result of object.__str__() (if defined) ## or repr(object). ## encoding defaults to sys.getdefaultencoding(). ## errors defaults to 'strict'. # ## Attributes ## ========== ## Name Value ## ------- ------------------------------ ## __doc__ "str(object='... to 'strict'." # ## Methods ## ======= ## Name Description ## ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## __add__(value, /) Return self+value. ## str(...) str(object='') -> str ## __contains__(key, /) Return key in self. ## __delattr__(name, /) Implement delattr(self, name). ## __dir__(...) __dir__() -> list ## __eq__(value, /) Return self==value. ## __format__(...) S.__format__(format_spec) -> str ## __ge__(value, /) Return self>=value. ## __getattribute__(name, /) Return getattr(self, name). ## __getitem__(key, /) Return self[key]. ## __getnewargs__(...) ## __gt__(value, /) Return self>value. ## __hash__() Return hash(self). ## __init__(*args, **kwargs) Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature. ## __init_subclass__(...) This method is called when a class is subclassed. ## __iter__() Implement iter(self). ## __le__(value, /) Return self<=value. ## __len__() Return len(self). ## __lt__(value, /) Return self<value. ## __mod__(value, /) Return self%value. ## __mul__(value, /) Return self*value.n ## __ne__(value, /) Return self!=value. ## __new__(*args, **kwargs) Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature. ## __reduce__(...) helper for pickle ## __reduce_ex__(...) helper for pickle ## __repr__() Return repr(self). ## __rmod__(value, /) Return value%self. ## __rmul__(value, /) Return self*value. ## __setattr__(name, value, /) Implement setattr(self, name, value). ## __sizeof__(...) S.__sizeof__() -> size of S in memory, in bytes ## __str__() Return str(self). ## __subclasshook__(...) Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass(). ## capitalize(...) S.capitalize() -> str ## casefold(...) S.casefold() -> str ## center(...)[, fillchar]) -> str ## count(...) S.count(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int ## encode(...) S.encode(encoding='utf-8', errors='strict') -> bytes ## endswith(...) S.endswith(suffix[, start[, end]]) -> bool ## expandtabs(...) S.expandtabs(tabsize=8) -> str ## find(...) S.find(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int ## format(...) S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> str ## format_map(...) S.format_map(mapping) -> str ## index(...) S.index(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int ## isalnum(...) S.isalnum() -> bool ## isalpha(...) S.isalpha() -> bool ## isdecimal(...) S.isdecimal() -> bool ## isdigit(...) S.isdigit() -> bool ## isidentifier(...) S.isidentifier() -> bool ## islower(...) S.islower() -> bool ## isnumeric(...) S.isnumeric() -> bool ## isprintable(...) S.isprintable() -> bool ## isspace(...) S.isspace() -> bool ## istitle(...) S.istitle() -> bool ## isupper(...) S.isupper() -> bool ## join(...) S.join(iterable) -> str ## ljust(...) S.ljust(width[, fillchar]) -> str ## lower(...) S.lower() -> str ## lstrip(...) S.lstrip([chars]) -> str ## maketrans(x, y=None, z=None, /) Return a translation table usable for str.translate(). ## partition(...) S.partition(sep) -> (head, sep, tail) ## replace(...) S.replace(old, new[, count]) -> str ## rfind(...) S.rfind(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int ## rindex(...) S.rindex(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int ## rjust(...) S.rjust(width[, fillchar]) -> str ## rpartition(...) S.rpartition(sep) -> (head, sep, tail) ## rsplit(...) S.rsplit(sep=None, maxsplit=-1) -> list of strings ## rstrip(...) S.rstrip([chars]) -> str ## split(...) S.split(sep=None, maxsplit=-1) -> list of strings ## splitlines(...) S.splitlines([keepends]) -> list of strings ## startswith(...) S.startswith(prefix[, start[, end]]) -> bool ## strip(...) S.strip([chars]) -> str ## swapcase(...) S.swapcase() -> str ## title(...) S.title() -> str ## translate(...) S.translate(table) -> str ## upper(...) S.upper() -> str ## zfill(...) S.zfill(width) -> str