React Redux CRM Project
React-Crm is reusable CRM starter project for real-world business based on React 15.4, React-Redux & Material-UI.
The goal of this starter project is to create reusable project for real-world business. To achieve this target, we need a solution which should include authentication process, restful API feature with token support and simple but elegant UI design.
This project is built on the top of React/Redux.
The UI part of this project uses Material-UI.
This project uses Redux-Thunk to support backend API.
It uses Json-Server as fake Restful API. (You can simple replace it with your own API)
Structure of React-Crm
+---config <-// configuration of dev or prod environment
+---db <-// json files for json-server
| +---db.json <-// dummy db
| \---routes.json <-// configure fake restful api
+---src <-// vue components
| +---app
| | +---_gurad <-// auth guard for authentication
| | +---_models <-// common models for whole app
| | +---_services <-// common services for whole app
| | +---about <-// about component
| | +---customer <-// customer component
| | +---dashboard <-// dashboard component
| | +---notfoundpage <-// notfoundpage component
| | +---login <-// login component
| | +---order <-// customer component
| | +---root <-// root component
| | +---shared <-// common component for whole app
| | +---app.component.ts
| | +---app.module.ts
| | +---app.routes.ts
| |
| | +---environment.ts
| | \---...
| +---assets <-// images and css from third parties
| +---styles <-// customized css files
| +---main.browser.aot.ts
| +---main.browser.ts
| +---polyfills.browser.ts
| \---...
Browse Repository
There are two similar projects respectively built on the Vue.js and Angular. If you have interests in those technical stacks. You can find and clone those projects below.