Vue 2 CRM Project
Vue2Crm is a reusable Vue.js CRM starter project for real-world business based on Vue 2 PWA template with Vuetify.
The goal of this project is to create a reusable project for real-world business. To achieve this target, we need a solution which includes authentication process, restful API feature and simple but elegant UI design.
- This starter project is built-in with Vue 2 PWA from scratch.
- The whole UI is built on the Vuetify
- It includes Vuex, Axios as well.
- It uses Json-Server as fake Restful API. (You can simple replace it with your own API)
Structure of Vue2Crm
+---build <-// webpack files
+---config <-// configuration of dev or prod environment
+---db <-// json files for json-server
| +---db.json <-// dummy db
| \---routes.json <-// configure fake restful api
+---src <-// vue components
| +---components
| | +---404.vue
| | +---About.vue
| | +---Customers.vue
| | +---Customer.vue
| | +---Orders.vue
| | +---Order.vue
| | +---Login.vue
| | \---...
| +---router <-// vue-router
| +---utils
| | +---auth.js <-// auth service
| | +---backend-api.js <-// Axios instance
| | +---store.js <-// Vuex
| \---stylus <-// Customize stylus
+---static <-// css, fonts, image files
| +---img
| \---manifest.json <-// PWA manifest file
Browse Repository
There are two similar projects respectively built on the Angular and React. If you have interests in those technical stacks. You can find those projects below.